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A growing regional demand for aesthetic dentistry.
Seeing a rise in the popularity of dental aesthetics, CEO and co-founder Dr Shaun Thompson shares his strategy for expatdental’s growth, and how it plans to bring its Smile Transformation programme first to Bali, Indonesia, and beyond.

Expatdental, based in Singapore and founded in 2013, focuses on providing dental care to globally-mobile individuals and their families. Dr. Shaun Thompson recognizes the increasing demand for dental aesthetics and outlines the growth strategy. With a diverse, multilingual team, the clinic offers a range of treatments, including general consultations and dental implants, adapting to the evolving Asian market.

Smile Transformation is a highly customizable treatment plan, spanning veneers to aligners. It employs a six-step digital process, allowing patients to preview their new smile in the clinic before committing to a design. Patients can even wear a temporary prosthetic home for a night to get feedback from friends and family, reducing uncertainty.

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